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and away we go...

We are down to the 30 minute mark before the car that will take us to the airport picks us up. My life has been condensed into two 60 lb. bags and two carry-ons. I know I should feel anxious right now, but I really just feel exhausted. The last two weeks have been a flurry of movement. We moved out of our first home to move to another country. We've moved from one good-bye to another. I moved from an iPhone to a phone that would make a 2007 Blackberry look high tech.

And so far I haven't cried (except when dropping off the cats). I've held it together because I know as soon as I realize the enormity which is about to happen I'm going to lose it in a very profound way. I'm relieved that by the point this hits me, we'll be on a plane and I'll hopefully have taken something to help me sleep on the way to Frankfurt.

I wanted to write something profound as a "here we go" post, but I've been putting this off and suddenly I've run out of time to be profound. So I'll close with a thought that is semi-thought through. Music keeps catching me off guard. As I've been driving around and around Houston this past week songs will suddenly come on the iPod and I'll tear up. Recently, driving to Katy "Being Alive" from Sondheim's Company started playing. In the rabble of voices talking to the main character, who will then sing a song about how loving someone and being loved is what makes us feel alive, one voice says, "Don't be afraid it won't be perfect, be afraid that it won't be."

That's where I am right now. I honestly have no idea what this is all going to look like on the other side of the Atlantic. I'm terrified that this will be a huge mistake, but I'm even more terrified of what will happen if we don't try this adventure. I'm not enough of an idealist to think that it will be perfect, but I'm hopeful it will be good and even great.

So thank you to everyone who has shared in my adventure and Jack's adventure and our adventure so far. I never dreamt ten years ago when I started at Rice that this is where I'd be and this is where we would be going. I'm incredibly blessed to have so many people walk with me and I'm going to miss you all more than I think I even realize right now. I love you all.

I'll update this when I can get a solid internet connection in Aberdeen. The plan is to hybridize the blog a bit to be a mix of my thirty by thirty list and what we're doing in overseas.

Until then!


  1. Thinking of you guys as you travel across the pond. Hope it's a smooth transition. Look forward to reading updates on this amazing adventure!!


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